How To Turn Off Windows Update In Windows 10


In previous windows their is a option available for turn off windows update either manually update your windows or just turn off your security update which consume too much internet bill. But in windows 10 there is no option of turn off windows update you know why ?? because Microsoft want you to update your system.

How To Turn Off Windows Update In Windows 10 , WIndows 8, 8.1, Windows 7

Their are more security breach happen in the world and Microsoft don’t want to loose your data and whole system that’s why Microsoft not providing turn off button button but if you still don’t want to update your system its cool, follow these simple step, also provide a video for demonstration.

1. Right click on this PC ( My Computer )
2. Select Manage
3. On left side corner select service and application

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4. Now you”ll see service and application in the middle column
5. Select Service
6. Find Windows Update file
7. Right click on Windows Update file
8. Now select properties.

how to turn off windows update in windows 8, how to turn off windows update in windows 10, how to turn off windows update in windows 7, how to turn off windows update in windows 7 ultimate,

9. A windows appear click on General Tab
10. Now in Startup Type click on disabled
11. Now find Stop button and click on it.

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Before Working on this please make sure your windows doesn’t have any .dll error and some missing windows file otherwise it won’t help you to do this process. Make sure your antivirus is working when you turn off your Windows Update because after Windows update shut down Windows can’t help you out with security breach and malware attacks make sure your at least you Antivirus Update is Switched ON. After Checking all this mentioned point you are ready to turn Off your Windows Update in Windows 10 or any other Windows.

Now you’re Windows Update is turn off , You can tell any of this to your friend How To Turn Off Windows Update in Windows 10.

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