{FIXED} One or More of Your ads txt Files Does Not Contain Your Adsense Publisher ID in WordPress


{FIXED} One or More of Your ads txt Files Does Not Contain Your Adsense Publisher ID in WordPress

if you are getting this following message in your Adsense:-

Dear Publisher,

We’ve noticed that the ads.txt file on one or more of your sites that you monetise through this AdSense account (pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) is missing the correct publisher code. From mid-October, Google will stop buying ads on sites with ads.txt files which don’t include the correct publisher IDs. We recommend you update your ads.txt files immediately to prevent impact to your earnings. Make sure that the ads.txt file for each site you want to monetise through this account contains the snippet below:

google.com, pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Also, Read:- How To Add Google Adsense Auto Ads in WordPress Website | How to Setup Adsense Auto Ads

It may take up to 24 hours for AdSense to process your updated ads.txt files.

For fix this you have to add ads.txt files in root directory of your website. for this watch this simple tutorial.


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