Top 10 Best Mobile Games of 2016 You Need to Play

Rayman Adventures, Rayman Adventures android, Rayman Adventures apple tv, rayman adventures apk, rayman adventures logo,
Rayman Adventures Android Game

The Google Play Store is full of Android games, but not all games are worthy of downloading. we have listed out the best android games for your phones or tablet. Feel free to add your add your own picks in the comment and help others to find their kind of taste in games.

Top 10 Best Mobile Games of 2016 You Need to Play

Here you find Top 10 Android Games of 2016 you need to play, Google Play gives you the best of the best Android Games in 2016 you need to play.

Rayman  Adventures

The Rayman series made its debut on the original PlayStation but can now be found on Android too. Rayman Adventures is a side-scrolling, auto-runner platform game that builds on the proven formula of previous mobile Games, Rayman Fiesta Run and Rayman Jungle Run.

There are different types of level in this  Rayman Adventures game, one is collecting items and other is defeating enemies like Mario Series, but its need time for the order to defeat enemies,  jump over obstacles and reach the end of the stage. This game gives you more control from older games of this series, in Rayman Adventures you can control and change your direction at will.

Rayman Adventures is one of the finest game you ever see on Android, with high definition and stunning graphics. The charming looking cartoon looks cute and beautiful background.

Top 10 Best Mobile Games of 2016, Rayman Adventures, Rayman Adventures android, Rayman Adventures apple tv, rayman adventures apk, rayman adventures logo,
 Rayman Adventures Android Game

Download Rayman: Adventures from Google Play

Please, Don’t Touch Anything

Please, Don’t Touch Anything is a wonderful puzzle game. The premise is that you’re left in charge of a desk and a big red button while your co-worker takes a bathroom break, having instructed you not to touch anything. So what’s your first instinct? To touch something, of course. Please, Don’t Touch Anything’s gameplay involves solving puzzles and trying out different combinations of button presses to trigger various outcomes, and all the action takes place at the in-game desk you sit at.

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   Dont Touch Anything Android Game

Download Please Don’t Touch Anything From Google Play 

Cut the Rope: Magic

Cut the Rope: Magic is the traditional Cut the Rope recipe: vibrant, non-threatening graphics, mixed with some tear-your-hair-out puzzles. Your task is to deliver a piece of candy into the mouth of hungry critter Om Nom, by cutting the ropes that hold the candy in the correct order, with the correct timing. the levels are difficult as they rise, its graphics are good if like a cute puzzle game than it is your kind of game. Cut the rope: Magic level bus 22 is the hardest you have to pro gamer to pass that level.

 Download Android Game Cut the Rope: Magic



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