Android Features PDF File Download

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There are lots of features in Android device with you can do anything online or offline. Now we are discussing some of them below and provide you the Android Features PDF file for download.

Android Features PDF File

The basic features are like email, surfing internet like you did on desktop or laptop. General features like voice based feature in which you can search anything through voice, Voice actions for calling, texting, navigation, etc. are supported on Android 2.2, Android Jelly Bean, Android Kitkat, Android Lollipop, Android Marshmallow.

When you have to do multitasking it is hard even on computer but now after smartphone coming to market you can do multitasking fast as computer


Android Features PDF File, features list, android, android device features list, android devices features,

Download Android Features PDF File

You are thinking why android is in demand so much, well it is because android is a more compatible and customizable Operating System. Word Android is defined as a robot with human appearance or also we can say humanoid. Android is a Operating System based on Linux kernel made for touch screens and Tablets. The main thing about Android that it is Customizable you can do whatever you want to do with your android also users can make their own app to run in Android phone, also allows to access the data and services to the party by using Google Play Store.


The latest versions of all is newly available in Nexus 6P, Marshmallow v6.0. Which far more upgraded form of its previous preceder Lollipop v5.0. The version are based on API levels as for these android SDK ( software Development Kit ) used for installation. The API levels are decide uniquely and internationally.

Android is categorized in Alpha and Beta Versions. The Android Version was Cupcake after Cupcake, Donut than Eclair and than froya and list goes on stop ar Marshmallow.

You’ll get what you want on these above Android Features List PDF files. Till than happy surfing 🙂


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