Android phones are now using in the whole world because it an open source where you can modify every aspect of the phone and software and related tools, and now Android alliance provide you the Linux based tools where you can update your smartphone. Here you find best of the best Android Platform Download for free.
Best Android Platform Download for Free
The Android platform is Google’s open and free software that includes an operating system and key applications for use on mobile devices, including smartphones. Android is an Open Handset Alliance Project giving by handset manufacturing companies.

The helping hand components for developing your Android is SDK tools, SDK platform tools, documentation, source code for Android, Google APIs, and Google licensing and many more.
The Android Platform launched in 2007 by the Open Handset companies, Smartphone of leading firms that include Google, HTC, Motorola and others. But most of the apps that run on the Android Platform written in Java language, there is no Java Virtual Machine. Instead, the Java language introduced into what are known as Dalvik Executables and run on the Dalvik Virtual Machine. Click below link to Android Platform Download
As I said, before Android is an open development platform. However, it is not open in the sense that everyone can contribute while a version is under development. This all done behind closed doors at Google. Rather, You can fully operate Android platform when its source code is released to the public after it finalized. So once it is released anyone interested can take the code and alter it as they see fit. Click below link to Android Platform Download

To create an application for the platform, a developer requires the Android SDK tools, which includes as I mention above tools. To cut down development time, Android developers typically add the SDK into graphical user IDEs (Integrated Development Environments). Beginners can also make use of the App Inventor, an application for creating Android apps that can be accessed online at any platform whether is it Windows or Mac.
Hope you find what are you looking for and if note then comment down below and let us know what you want. Till then Happy surfing