Reasons Why Your Mac Has Become Slow


Macs are usually seen as very fast computers that help you increase your productivity levels. But if you came across this article, it probably means that you have owned a Mac for a few years now and have noticed that it has started to run slower than it used to.

And purchasing a new Mac after a few years just because the old one has lost its speed might be irrational, even though speed is one of the main advantages of a Mac computer. These computers are expensive, but they are also known as long-lasting. 

So either way – if you bought a new Mac and want to avoid the issue of a slow computer in the future or if you are already experiencing slow computer issues, we are going to help.

Even if you were to browse more while surfing the internet, you would not find all the information in a single article. Reading multiple sources and improving your knowledge that way is the best option. And starting with the reasons below is a good piece of advice.

Reason #1 – You Are Lacking Free RAM

Random-access memory, so-called RAM, is crucial for the speed of your Mac. And to be more specific, if you have free RAM to spare, your computer will most likely perform very effectively, and if you are out of RAM – it will become very slow. 

If you would like to check how full your RAM currently is, you can do that by using the Finder that can be located on your Dock at the bottom of the screen. Then go to Applications, click Utilities, and start the Activity Monitor. Choose the Memory tab. If you do not see the Finder application, you can always use Spotlight Search to find whatever you need.

On the bottom left side, you will notice a Memory Pressure window. If you see green color, it indicates that your Mac has enough RAM to function properly, and you should not worry about it. If you notice the yellow color, it means that you are still okay but should consider freeing up some space on your Mac. If you see red, then you need to stop the processes that use up the most RAM and free up some space.

Reason #2 – There Are Too Many Files on Your Desktop

Not only a cluttered Desktop will decrease your productivity while you waste your time looking for the files you need, but it will also make your computer run slower. If you have multiple folders, pictures, and icons all-around your Desktop, this may create a serious problem.

It is true that it’s sometimes easier and more convenient to save your files on the Desktop when you are in a hurry, but you should always organize your files and remove them from the Desktop whenever you have time. Ideally – every day. Your computer is using memory to Display every thumbnail that is left on your Desktop, which slows down the entire performance. And if you want to maintain your Apple’s performance, you need to clean up.

Reason #3 – You Have Too Many Photos and Videos

The less free space a Mac has, the slower it will run. And if you have a camera or a phone that takes high-quality photos and you keep those files on your Mac, this might be one of the cases that creates an issue of a slow Mac. 

Apple is always trying to teach its users to store most of the files in iCloud instead of the Mac itself. But not everybody does that. If you have less than 5 GB of files, you can store them for free, and if you need more – you can always upgrade your plan to a bigger one.

Storing the information on iCloud is very convenient because you can easily access the files from wherever you are – you just need to have internet access. But if you travel a lot and are not sure about the internet connection, you can always store your files in an external hard-drive.

Reason #4 – You Never Empty the Trash Bin

As obvious as it may sound, a lot of people forget to perform this action, which in ideal conditions should be performed daily after you are finished working with the computer for the day. Because even if you remove all of the unnecessary apps and files from your Mac, they will all end up in the Trash Bin and will be taking up the same space as it did before.

To make sure all of your hard work of cleaning your Mac does not go to waste, always remember to empty the Bin as often as possible. And to help you out with that, you can turn on an option that empties the Bin after 30 days of file deletion – same as on the iPhone.


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