21st century is now going to be era of future technology and gadgets. The fact is that hollywood movies are playing a major role for upcoming technology. For adaptation of the movies and screenplay they inventing the technology. Like Christopher Nolan built an entire revolving set for 6 minute anti-gravity scene and Stanley Kubrick made an entire circular set for 2 minute scene and different type set for different locations. You can see an Ipad in the 2001: Space Odyssey, If you have not seen yet then go and watch this masterpiece. Their are countless Hollywood movies which are used and are using different type of gadgets. Here we are sharing with top 8 hollywood movies gadgets which are used in movies.
Top 8 Futuristic Gadgets used in Hollywood Movies
Their are thousand of gadgets Hollywood are using in their movies, but few of them are memorable and the first is:-

The lightsaber, is weapon used by the Jedi and the Sith. Lightsaber consisted of a plasma ray blade, powered by Kyber Crystal and usually emitted from a metallic hilt. When people first this thing they were like what the hell is that. They want it so bad. Lightsaber is the cult gadget and even today Lightsaber is future thing and it was came in 1978. Read More
The film Iron Man 2 was packed with gadgets and future technology but Tony Stark’s transparent smartphone is one the eye-catching. Throughout the movie, This smartphone can do anything according to situation and function, enabling Stark to control his house, TV and make it a projector.

But in reality, their no operating system works in that phone. All things were added in post-production of the film. Its just a glass with plastic frame and made by the 3D printer. But who knows we can see this type of phone in future.
Wish you could work using transparent glass screen capable of projecting holographic images from your computer screen like Tony Stark? In the near future, you might be able to. You remember that scene when Keliean shows his dream project. Scientists at MIT have succeeded in building.

“The plastic looks basically transparent—but if you hit it with just the right wavelength of light it will scatter strongly, producing an image on the glass,” Marin Soljacic, a physics professor at MIT and coauthor on the study says in the video.
The eye scanner from Minority Report is the most futuristic technology and much safer than anything else.
The major obstacle to realizing the Hollywood fantasy, Boehnen tells Txchnologist, is that when you take a picture of an iris in profile and compare it to a full frontal picture, the two angles make the eye look different. But a standoff system would need to match a person’s iris from almost any direction. “What we’re trying to do is use a corrective model to extract the iris pattern and make it look the same no matter whether the original picture was full frontal or off-angle,” he says.
Now a team working on standoff iris recognition at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is reporting that they have taken a significant step toward scanning wandering eyes.
“Historically, iris identification requires a full frontal shot to work,” says Chris Boehnen, ORNL’s Biometrics and Forensics Program Manager. “But you want a system to capture uncooperative irises like in Minority Report. Existing technology can’t do that.”

These contacted lenses with camera and microphone help Eddie Murphy give Owen Wilson lessons on his date night. and literally same as Mission Impossible 4 Ghost Protocol.

When you forget something and really trying hard to remember and you remember. But when someone wipes your memory by THE NEUTRALIZER you can’t even think who are you, are you human or what. This device is wiped your short-term and long-term memory. for doing that you have to set the time. Agent J and K keep this NEURALYZER for the secret presence of aliens on earth.

We are also including The bracelet from a Bollywood Movie Mr India, same like The Ring from Hobbit that makes people invisible and Harry Potter’s Cloak. But they are not gadgets according to their time but in Mr India, Their is a scientific explanation that how the bracelet works and it has a weakness when exposed to red light the bracelet cannot keep you invisible.
Touch Screen from Minority Report is way too cool for a gadget freak and even for normal people. Apart from Tom Cruise, there is various type of cool thing that attracts you the most. Like Audi Car, The street which is placed on the building and traffic continuously running on that road, Eye Scanner, Virtual Reality Games.

Steven Spielberg was working with a scientist to make a movie more realistic and futuristic. That gives us a unique interference for the computer to operate and work. This computer with its interactive touch screen was made in gadget heaven.
These are the topmost Movies gadgets used in movies if you like then share it with your friends. and feel free to comment down below and if you want to add something new then feel free to ask.