What is Microsoft Windows XP

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What is Microsoft Windows XP : Whistler, the code name of Windows XP, which released on October 25, 2001, introduced by Microsoft and the operating system released to manufacturing on August 24, 2001. Windows XP built on the Windows 2000 kernel and come up with new redesigned Graphical User Interface with a support of even better multitasking and improved hardware support, and its expanded multimedia capabilities.

What is Microsoft Windows XP

Windows XP was available in Professional and Home Edition version. Now Microsoft no longer supported by Microsoft after April 8, 2014. But still computer are running on Windows XP because those people find Windows XP is the best operating system they ever had. After Microsoft stop update for Windows XP, this operating system becomes more vulnerable to viruses and other security risks.

Windows XP sold more than 1 billion copies were sold by April 2014. It is the remained popular even after the release of newer versions like Windows Vista, Windows Seven even after more futuristic Windows 8.

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Bill Gates wanted this operating system very user-friendly and made this to every home basic need and this idea bring the new revolution in the computer. Now computers are the major role play in the home after Television.


System Requirement For Windows XP

Windows XP Requirements
Processor:233 MHz or faster processor
Memory:64MB RAM Minimum
Recommend 128MB
Graphics Card:SVGA Video Card
Sound Card:Standard sound card for sound capability
Hard Drive Space:1.5GB hard drive space
CD/DVD Drive:CD/DVD drive
Controls:100% compatible Microsoft Keyboard and Mouse.
Operating System:Upgrade requires Windows 98, 98 SE, or ME.

User Interface Of Windows XP

Windows XP brought the new user interface for better user experience and made more compatible for every user. Microsoft completely changes the Taskbar, with an increased use of alpha compositing effects, drop shadows, and “visual styles”, which completely change the appearance of the operating system. The amount of effects enabled are determined by the operating system by the computer’s processing power, and can be enabled or disabled on a case-by-case basis. XP also added ClearType, a new sub-pixel rendering system designed to improve the appearance of fonts on liquid-crystal displays.

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Hope you get your answer about what is Microsoft Windows XP. If you have any query or doubt about what is Microsoft Windows XP feel free to comment down below. Till then happy surfing 🙂


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