Who Makes Android OS

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Android is a mobile based Operating System currently developed by Google based on Linus kernel and designed for touch screen phones and tablets.The user interface of Android is based on direct manipulation when click on any of the app display on screen its looks like real world to you. It correspond to real world live action of gesture like swiping, pinching, tapping along with virtual keyboard for text input. Than who makes android

Who Makes Android Operating System

Who Makes Android, android, android device manager, device manager for android, android device, android,

Android Inc. was founded in California in October 2003 by Andy Rubin co-founder of Danger, Rich Miner, Nick Sears and chris White. Rubin wants smarter mobile devices that are more aware of its owner choice location and preferences.Who Makes Android

They was early planning for develop an advanced operating system for cameras but they dropped this idea and company diverted there efforts for the smart device that rival Symbian and Windows Mobile. Early age of Android is kept secret company said that they are developing only a mobile software.Who Makes Android

Rubin ran out of money than a friend of Rubin helped him and give him $10,000 dollars without any demands of share. After 2 years of developing, Android Inc. Acquired by Google in 2005 for $ 50 million with including Rubin and its colleagues.

Some Facts About Who Make Android Operating System

At that time some companies has idea that Google planning to enter in Mobile market but not confirmed. Than google said to Rubin make some hardware supported software that run on there Hardware collaborated companies.

In 2007 Google had filed several patent application in the area of mobile technology and its confirmed that Google now entering the Mobile Industry.

On 5 November 2007 google announced they are now working HTC Sony Samsung for open Source operating System built for every device based in lInux

The First commercial available Android device was the HTC Dream released on 22 October 2008


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